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Autore Discussione: [Scenic] - Problemi quadrante  (Letto 31410 volte)
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« Risposta #195217: 27 Dicembre 2010, 15:03:52 »

per la cronaca non ho ancora fatto riparare il quadro...

e i continui spegnimenti hanno portato i Km a 209.000    up

Grandeeee  vai renault

la macchina ne ha 105.000 reali...

Post Unito: 27 Dicembre 2010, 16:24:58
Oggi mi sono dato da fare sui forum francesi per il problema del quadro di Bordo scenic e ho scoperto che in Inghilterra grazie a una azione legale, la Renault sostituisce per la modica cifra di 100 sterline il quadro difettoso ... allego comunicato in Inglese di Renault... e nel caso uno abbia speso di più per la riparazione rifondono i costi pagati in più...anche per le macchine fuori garanzia...

"If a Scenic II owner has had their vehicle's instrument panel repaired or replaced outside of the Renault UK Dealer network before 1 November this year and has paid more than £100, we invite them to contact our Customer Services department, with both proof of ownership and suitable proof of the repair or replacement, and we will arrange a refund of the difference."

"Our recommendation is that, in the event of an instrument panel losing its display, owners of a Scenic II should take their car to a Renault UK Dealer where the panel will be replaced. This will either be free of charge, if the vehicle is under three years old and has a mileage lower than 60,000 miles, or for £100, if it falls outside either of these criteria.

"We do not provide a warranty on work performed by any independent repairer outside the Renault UK Dealer network.

"In the event of an instrument panel being changed in the Renault UK Dealer network, the change and the last recorded mileage is logged in the vehicle's Service Book and in our vehicle history database. This information would be available on request for those vehicles that have been changed within the Renault Dealer network.

"Any customer concerned about his or her Renault Scenic II should contact Renault's Customer Services team directly. To answer any questions raised by Watchdog, Renault's Customer Services team will be available from 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday on 08000 72 33 72, or by email at"

e link a sito della BBC:

Dopo le feste provo a contattare il call center renault e vediamo cosa dicono

« Ultima modifica: 27 Dicembre 2010, 16:26:18 da theluxyh » Registrato  
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