Spero che tu sappia l'inglese
a) Get a new SD card formatted to Fat32. Save your carminat SD in a safe place.
b) Get tomplayer from:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/tomplayer/. Copy the files inside folder distrib to the root of the SD Card.
c) Get this file
http://www.tomplayer.net/ttsystem_bt_carminat. Rename the downloaded file to ttsystem and copy it to the root of the SD Card. It will overwrite the file copied before from the distrib folder.
d) Get this file
http://www.tomplayer.net/tomplayergui_autoplay.sh. Rename it to tomplayergui.sh and put it inside the folder Tomplayer of the SD Card, overwriting the existing one.
e) Create a new folder called autoplay in the root of the SD. Put inside that folder any file you want to play, (mp3, avi).
Important!, the names of these files must not contain dots neither spaces, colon, semi-colon, quotes, etc...Now you have your card ready. How to play it in your car?
a) Stop your car and switch off the radio. Screen must be black.
b) Take Carminat SD and insert music SD.
OK. So far so good. But then "Switch on the radio"?? why? I don't get it...
c) Switch on the radio
d) Select auxiliar input, and plug any device in your auxiliar input (jack, RCA,...)
d) If everything is ok, the files will start playing in order. No option to use joystick, no interaction, it will play all files from autoplay folder in order.
ragazzi ma che pensate della parte che ho messo in grassetto....dice che il file non deve avere spazi, punti, 2 punti, virgolette ecc....quindi se ho un file "rambo.avi" lo devo chiamare "rambo"?